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Writer's picturegabe pinacho

Socially Distant Mood Boosting Art

Updated: Apr 23, 2020

In perfect timing the world comes to a standstill. Confusion plagues the globe and among it the Phenomena known as COVID-19. Daily life has surely changed, and will continue to change as regulations on what people across the world are able to do with their freedoms.

Aside from practicing social distancing, intense hand washing, and not touching your face, a multitude of other things can be done to ease a new anxiety driven by worry and nerves - Art.

Art came to the world in times of depression. After the fall of the vast Roman Empire, the Medieval times surely dug the planet and humanity into a deeper hole. However among the lawless and unclean connotations the Middle Ages bring to mind, the plateau in education, cleanliness and what seemed to be lost hope were remedied with art. The Renaissance period brought revival in music, literature, and visual appeals. The mediator Beethoven took the planet by storm with his beautiful spiritual connection to music and as such was an inspiration to many.

Whether its literature, visual art or musical art. Indulge and share your passion with the world.

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